June 2022 - present: Staff scientist at the Institute of Biomedical Technologies (ITB), National Research Council (CNR), Segrate (MI), Italy
Epidemiology Unit
Innovation, R&D: digital technologies for public health and persoanlised healthcare systems; ontology engineering and semantic technologies in epidemiology and biomedicine.
November 2020 - May 2022: Senior Consultant, Project Manager & Product Owner at MetaCell, Cambridge (MA - USA), Oxford (UK), Cagliari (IT)
Software for neuroscience and healthcare
Responsibilities: managing projects & coordinating cross-functional teams working on software product and services design, development and maintenance.
July 2017 - November 2020: Postdoctoral scientist at the Institute of Biomedical Technologies (ITB), National Research Council (CNR), Segrate (MI), Italy
Epidemiology Unit
Responsibilities: knowledge management, innovation and development, digital health assessment, scientific communication, design of information structures, metadata, linked data and ontology-engineering, networking.
Epicovid19: estimating number of suspected COVID-19 cases and uncovering relevant factors associated with the infection.
Telemedicine and integrated healthcare systems. 'Implementazione del Presidio Nuova Regina Margherita di Roma: Sperimentazione del modello di Casa della Salute'; Recepimento della determinazione della Regione Lazio-Direzione Salute Politiche Sociali - n. G035IO del 21.03.2018.
Combining a posteriori and a priori approaches to explore the inverse occurrence between Alzheimer Disease and Cancer.
‘Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising lifestyle in teenagers through awareness, motivation and engagement’ (PEGASO), under the EU 7th Framework Programme, Grant No: 610727; PEGASO Clinical trial identifier: NCT02930148.
June - November 2018: European Project Manager at Holonix srl - Spin Off of the Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Research and Innovation Department
Responsibilities: Management of European Projects (PM); Innovation based on Internet of Things (IoT), R&D&I of strategic, modular & integrated solutions. Open Innovation; Cloud-based interoperable systems and knowledge bases.
FiberEUse (Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value- chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites), Grant Agreement No. H2020-730323-1 .
MOBISTYLE (MOtivating end-users Behavioral change by combined ICT based tools and modular Information services on energy use, indoor environment, health and lifestyle), Grant Agreement H2020 723032 .
2014-2017: Postdoctoral scientist at the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation (ITIA), National Research Council (CNR), Milan, Italy
Enterprise Engineering and Virtual Applications (EVA)
Responsibilities: knowledge management and semantic modelling, innovation and development
‘Personalised Guidance Services for Optimising lifestyle in teenagers through awareness, motivation and engagement’ (PEGASO), under the EU 7th Framework Programme, Grant No: 610727; PEGASO Clinical trial identifier: NCT02930148; (ontology modelling) .
‘Product and Process Co-Evolution Management via Modular Pallet configuration’ (PRO2EVO), within the Italian flagship project ‘Factory of the Future’ .
‘Design for All’ (D4All) - Semantic Web integration and advanced Human-Machine Interfaces in design for Ambient Assisted Living.
2013: Postdoctoral internship at the Research Center on Spatial Cognition (SFB/TR 8), University of Bremen, Germany
Responsibilities: 1) development of a metadata model for the Ontohub repository (with Till Mossakowski and Oliver Kutz); 2) networking with partners of the SpacePortal consortium; 3) populating a dedicated repository with spatial ontologies provided by the network partners, the internet sources and the literature; preparing the ontologies for inclusion in a dedicated ontohub.org node; 4) mapping ontologies to the subject categories defined as metadata.
SpacePortal - Ontohub.org - the next generation semantic repository for spatial ontologies.
2008 –2012: The European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Department of experimental oncology at IFOM – IEO Campus, Milan, Italy
Ph.D research included 1) laboratory activities in molecular oncology; 2) theoretical analysis of breast cancer classificatory systems; 3) examination of knowledge management approaches that can enable the integration of biomedical research and healthcare information within digital repositories (biomedical ontologies).
Participation in the research groups:
Giovanni Boniolo – Biomedical humanities, FOLSATEC program (full time Ph.D. research)
Pier Paolo Di Fiore /Salvatore Pece – Molecular characterization of Breast Cancer and association with the stem cell profiles (part time, 4 years research project)
Luisa Lanfrancone - Cellular and molecular pathways regulating melanoma genesis and progression (part time, 4 months lab rotation)
Rosella Visintin - Mechanisms that control the protein phosphatase Cdc14, an essential cell cycle regulator (part time, 4 months lab rotation)
2011: The ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society (Egenis), University of Exeter, UK
PhD abroad-stage in big data and biomedical ontologies, 6 month, under supervision of Sabina Leonelli
2003 –2008: Curator, Public relations manager at the National Museum of Serbia
Responsible for management, coordination and realisation of PR activities and special events, in particular:
Media communication;
Press conferences; press releases;
PR & Marketing campaigns;
Website development, content editing and administrating;
Events - VIP & Diplomatic-Core events, scientific conferences, exhibitions & public manifestations;
Public talk & Public Affairs.
2003: Teaching logic & philosophy at the high schools in Belgrade
The Sixth Belgrade Gymnasium.
The Music School “Stankovic” .
The School of Design.